NICE 신용평가



Code of Conduct

NICE Investors Service proclaimed the Code of Conduct to demonstrate its commitment to providing valuable ratings
information by assessing in a transparent and objective manner.

NICE Investors Service has pioneered and led the credit rating business in Korea, conducting extensive research,
providing valuable information and introducing new products to the capital market.

NICE Investors Service fully supports and endorses the IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies,
(the "IOSCO CRA code") published by the International Organization of Securities Commissions ("IOSCO") in December 2004,
and revised in May 2008 and March 2015. Accordingly, NICE Investors Service has enacted the NICE Code of Conduct ("the Code").

The Code stipulates reles and regulations that govern the quality and integrity of the rating process, independence and
avoidance of conflict, and our obligations to investors, issuers and other market participants.

The Code reflects the objectives of each provision of the IOSCO code and specifies how NICE intends to implement them. Detailed descriptions on the implementation and procedures have been further addressed in our internal rules.

The board of directors and employees at NICE Investors Service will continue to fully support and endorse the Code and its related rules to become a more trusted company.