NICE 신용평가



Credit Rating Process

Introduction of Credit Rating Service and Rating Procedure Guide.

Bond, CP, STB, Issuer and IFS Rating

평가의뢰 => 계약체결 => 평가자료제출 (평가의뢰기업) => 평가실무 => 제시등급결정(실무팀) => 등급심의 및 판정 => 등급통보(동의) => 등급공시, 등급통보(부동의) => 재심=> 추가평가자료제출=>재검토=>등급심의 및 판정 => 등급통보 => 등급공시

  • - Rating request & deal signing
  • - Submission of information/credit assessment: forming a rating team, requesting basic information, interviewing management, collecting and analyzing information on the industry, suggesting a rating
  • - Deliberation & decision: Analyst Committee, Industry Committee, Rating Committee
  • - Excluding personal opinions and securing procedural objectiveness
  • - Rating notification: The issuer can request reassessment of the rating if it has any objection regarding the rating
  • - Rating disclosure : Rating surveillance: regular rating, occasional rating, credit watch

ABS Ratings

기초자산 관련 자료징구 거래 참여자에 대한 자료수집 => 거래참여자에 대한 Due Diligence 실시 => 현금흐름의 적정성 검토, 제반계약서 검토, 거래구조 검토, 법률의견 검토, 제반거래관련사항 최종검토 => 등급심의 및 판정(평정위원회) => 등급통보(동의) => 등급공시, 등급통보(부동의) => 재심=> 추가평가자료제출 => 재검토 => 등급심의 및 판정(평정위원회) => 등급통보 => 등급공시

  • - Requesting information on the underlying assets and collecting information on the participants in the securitization
  • - Conducting due diligence on the participants
  • - Analyzing cash flow/reviewing related contracts/assessing stability of the structure
  • - Rating assignment: Analyst Committee/ Industry Committee/Rating Committee
  • - Rating disclosure
  • - Rating surveillance: regular rating, occasional rating, credit watch